Thursday, November 25, 2010

BELISSIMA testing equipment

25 November 2010. We are still at the station. There is ample time for testing out the equipment, packing, getting the sleds ready, picking out food etc. About the food: there is plenty of Japanese food around (but only labeled in a Japanese way), and Kenny is the only one who knows what it is and how to prepare it. Needless to say that the radar team will have a lot (and I mean a lot) of Japanese food during the traverse!

The radar testing has been successful. We tried with both 2 and 5 MHz and they were working fine (2 MHz just being longer antennas and distances to cover between transmitter and receiver). Actually, 2 MHz shows much better results (lower signal-to-noise ratio).

There is also a GSSI snow radar that has been tested in the field and is now being mounted in front of a Prinoth. This device will be used for crevasse detection, but we'll use it for shallow layer analysis as well (snow accumulation patterns) along the way across the ice shelf.

We are scheduled to leave tomorrow morning at 7AM. No more news from us for the three coming weeks.
